1 Board resolution for appointment and/or remuneration of managing director and /or whole -time director -whether constitutes a contract or arrangement under section 299
of the companies Act .
Chandratre, K. R.
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 2), 2012(September 2012): Mag. 27
2 Can there be waiver of section 10 of the arbitration and conciliation Act 1996 ?
Sajlan , Devanshu & Sinha , Souvik
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 3), 2012(September 2012): Mag 55
3 Changing pattern of compensation in India .
Mehrotra, Rajen
CURRENT LABOUR REPORTS, 28(10), 2012(october): IIICLR 25p.
4 Compounding of offence after adjudication has reached finality Narayanaswamy . T. V.
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 3), 2012(September 2012): Mag 61
5 Corporate Roundup.
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 3), 2012(September 2012)
6 Disclosure of information in fiduciary relationship under right to information Act .
Paliwal, Anand
ALL INDIA REPORTER, 99(10), 2012(October): Jour 164-167
7 Employees as advocates : revisiting the legal position .
ALL INDIA REPORTER, 99(10), 2012(October): jour 173-176
8 Environmental Crimes- Problems and Solution .
Kalicharan , M. L.
ALL INDIA REPORTER, 99(10), 2012(October): Jour 167-173
ALL INDIA REPORTER, 99(10), 2012(October): Jour 167-173
9 Extinguishment of liability of company to its creditor under scheme of arrangement .
Naryanaswamy , T. V.
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 2), 2012(September 2012): Mag. 34
10 Need of codification of parliamentary privileges.
Singh, Swaroop Singh
ALL INDIA REPORTER, 99(10), 2012(October): Jour 161-164
11 Right to information and its impact on business .
Kumar , Pradeep
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 2), 2012(September 2012): Mag.31
12 Supreme court ruling in bharat aluminium co. v kaiser aluminium technical service inc. An analysis.
Sen, Krishnayan & De Souza , Charles & Roy , Souvi
CORPORATE LAW ADVISER, 110(part 2), 2012(September 2012): Mag .23.
13 Whistle-blower billl: a critique . Gadekar , Archana
ALL INDIA REPORTER, 99(10), 2012(October): jour 177-183