Innovations in the Field of Law
Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's College of Law maintains highstandards of academic excellence. This is evidenced in the nature ofthe curricular and co-curricular activities initiated in the institution andexcellent academic infrastructure. The staff strives to engender in theyouth a grand vision and skills to translate this vision into reality.Along with this journey of self discovery is nurtured a true spirit ofenquiry, development of analytical skills and agile reasoning abilities.The pedagogy is fine tuned to achieving these ends.
Our goal is to help create individuals with a keen socialconsciousness, progressive, forward thinking, and positive citizensof the world capable of practicing before the Courts, providing legaladvice, competent in legal drafting, participating in legalproceedings and become the frontrunners in legal education.
Marcel Proust once said, “The voyage ofdiscovery is not in seeking new landscapes but inhaving new eyes.” This observation clearlyenunciates the goals and objectives of theShri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's College of Law(5 Year Course). The institution recognizes thefact that there lodges within the heart of everystudent that spark of creativity that is the essenceof singularity in every individual. Beginning fromthis premise the college structures its learningprogamme in order to identify, hone in on andunearth this reserve of creativity. To this effect thecollege harnesses modern methods of teachingwhich encourage students to learn inside andoutside the classroom. This institution providesthe students with varied platforms to develop theirskills by way of debates at the intra and intercollegiate levels. Also seminars, workshops, trialadvocacy through moot competitions, the Juriscineclub, L'avocat an in-house Student'sNewsletter which enables the students to air theirpassionate concerns on issues, topical orotherwise and innovative interactive methods ofstudy in the classroom create an ambience thatfosters intellectual growth.
This methodology intersects a legal educationwith a contextualization that embraces social,political and economic systems. An excellentfaculty serves as a facilitator in helping studentsmaterialize this vision. It is this holistic approachto education that justifies the claim Shri VileParle Kelavani Mandal's College of Law makes ofbeing a law college with a DIFFERENCE. For atthe end of their voyage of self-discovery studentsemerge confident, positive thinking individuals,ably equipped to discharge their assigned rolesresponsibly on a world stage.
The College Library, with its vast and eclecticcollection of books and journals, satiates thethirst for knowledge of both staff and studentsand gives utmost attention to the overalldevelopment of the personality of students.Students are also encouraged to participate inco-curricular activities and sports.While ensuring academic and co-curricularfacilities to a vibrant student community, theCollege is conscious of its role as a constructiveand responsible component of the larger society.
Its consistent and unstinting efforts in thisdirection are borne out by the fact that studentsenter the college, young, immature, uncertain,bewildered, but leave its portals still young, butmuch more mature, self-confident and focused,ready to lead rich lives of their own even whileenriching that of the society.